Фанкойлы LESSAR

Lessar Fan Coils

History of the LESSAR trademark began in February, 2003 in the Czech Republic when on a threshold of the accession to the EU the government of the country approved the new “Concept of export policy” expanding geography of foreign trade. The concept gave green light to the idea to create a trademark under which the climatic equipment conforming to the most modern European standards will be issued.

Mission of the LESSAR trademark — creation of comfortable conditions for life by means of the modern climatic equipment.

For production of the equipment we use modern production sites in 8 countries of the world. The main production sites are in Europe: Germany, Italy, CIS, Sweden, Lithuania and Poland. The plants in the Asian region are located in South Korea and China. The principles of production of the equipment LESSAR assume use of the most advanced technologies of the climatic industry, use of components from world technological leaders, total quality control of assembly and repeated tests of systems for the purpose of their adaptation under the concrete climatic markets

Catalog on our website — Lessar

Official website —Lessar