Number of completed projects
Ventilation equipment
The correct arrangement of the ventilation system and the choice of suitable equipment are the factors that should be given special attention in the process of repair or construction of housing, as well as administrative and industrial premises
Special ventilation and air conditioning equipment
In the work of each company, as well as in the requests of each client who wants to arrange professional ventilation at their facility, they need a non-standard solution. Such as: Analysis of gas contamination in the room; Optimal organization of ventilation in an enclosed space; Storage of products at low temperatures (different from standard living conditions); Special solutions for industrial premises, where the level of gas pollution and the amount of harmful emissions exceeds civil standards; Therefore, the company “Climat PROF Kazakhstan” LLP, based on its experience, has allocated for itself a separate direction in the field of special solutions for ventilation and air conditioning
Climate control equipment
Refrigeration units and climatic equipment are special devices, the principle of which is based on the operation of a refrigeration machine. The main function of such units is to automatically maintain a certain temperature and microclimate inside a thermal insulation chamber or a chamber for heat exchange between the medium to be cooled (air, water) and the coolant (freon, water, water-glycol solution). The refrigeration unit can also control the relative humidity and the speed of movement of air masses inside the chamber.
Our service
High-quality equipment service is the basis for long-term, reliable operation for the benefit of the consumer, which gives pleasure, happiness and confidence in the future. A professional team of service specialists of Climate PROF Kazakhstan LLP is ready to provide a full range of services for design, installation, repair, diagnostics and maintenance of any equipment, ventilation, air conditioning and maintaining a comfortable climate.
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Air-heating equipment
What is air heating equipment? We live in a moderately warm climate and with the arrival of autumn we are thinking about creating warm indoor weather. One of the components of coziness is to maintain a comfortable temperature for a person in the room. It does not matter where – in a residential building, office, warehouse, car service – it should be warm everywhere. Otherwise, it will be very problematic to live and work there. A special heating equipment is used to create such conditions. The presence of serious shortcomings in many heating systems makes you think about looking for new heating methods. Because of this, every year more and more new types of climatic technology appear, including equipment for air heating. Our company can offer you rational solutions in the field of heating equipment.
“Climat PROF Kazakhstan” LLP has been operating in the market of supply of ventilation, climate and air distribution equipment since 2010. The office is located in Almaty and an office in Nur-Sultan was also opened in 2015. Experience of employees in the field of international trade consists over 15 years. Our professional team of 30 specialist, is capable to handi any chalenge in design,supply, installation and maintenance of any engineering task. The company is a direct representative in Kazakhstan of such brands as TROX-TLT (Germany), MTA (Italy), KLIMOR (Poland), TecnoMec (Italy), Friax (France) and many other.