The ventilating equipment is the devices intended for ventilation of rooms. They are necessary for maintenance of optimum air exchange on objects with a large number of workers and for forced cooling, heating or movement of gas on production.
Climat PROF Kazakhstan LLP carries out delivery and installation of the ventilating equipment of the Polish firm KLIMOR. It belongs to KLIMA-THERM group of companies and more than 45 years is the leader in production of air conditioning systems and ventilyation. Sale of the ventilating equipment from the largest producers, such as KLIMOR, in Almaty – the main profile of our company.

The ventilation systems and the equipment made by KLIMOR on objects of installation are divided into the following groups:
- products for the house;
- products for office;
- products for the industry;
- products for hospitals and other health care facilities;
- products for pools;
- products for the sea market;
- elements of ventilating network (heaters, fans, diffusers, exhaust networks).
Types of ventilation systems to destination:
forced ventilation – a system which gives air to the room during the warm period it is cooled, and in cold – heats up;
the exhaust ventilation – removes the fulfilled air and products of combustion of natural gas from the room;
all-exchange ventilation – extends on all volume of the room;
local ventilation – giving and removal of air in certain places;
emergency ventilation – is used in rooms where emission big amount of dangerous substances for their fast removal is possible;
antismoke ventilation – is used in buildings with the increased fire danger.
The choice and installation of the ventilating equipment – very responsible process. Experts “Climat PROF Kazashtan” will help to design and will carry out installation of the ventilation system of any complexity depending on specific features of an object.